The Ultimate Hoof Care Package
BundleEverything from basic external structures, detailed inner anatomy, tool use, thrush care, examples of common hoof distortions, cadaver hooves, dissections and detailed trimming is covered in this package! It is the ULTIMATE in learning hoof care!
Trimming Basics 201
Course5.0 average rating (3 reviews)A simple step-by-step course to teach equine hoof trimming basics. This course is a go at your own pace set up. Review as many times as you need, print out PDF's and have access to one-on-one coaching and help. One horse per student.
Hoof Casting
CourseCasting hooves can immediately relieve pain from laminitis, navicular, abscesses, thrush, low heels, thin soles and weak caudal hooves. This is a super simple and cheap process that anyone can do! It's a great tool to have in your horsey bag!
Investigating Hoof Health
CourseLearn how to assess your horse's hooves on the outside to give a glimpse of the health on the inside. Accurately assess the white line connection, sole depth, frog health and digital cushion. This course will show both the outer hoof and inner hoof.
Laminitis and Founder
CourseEver wondered what laminitis actually is and how it gets so bad with some horses? Want to prevent it happening to your own? Take this course to learn the warning signs and what to do. These are cases that didn't get the help they needed in time.
Navicular and NPA
CourseSo many horses are being diagnosed with navicular issues, but what does it actually mean? How does it happen? What can we do about it? Find out the answers in this course as we dive into 4 hooves with varying degrees of NPA and navicular pain.